Top 7 things to bring to Summer Camp in 2022!

When you are thinking about going to camp and packing for a week you have to make decisions about what to take bring along.  Here is a list of the TOP 7 THINGS TO TAKE TO CAMP this summer.  Do you agree?  What else is essential to bring along for the camp experience?  Let us know!


  1. A Swimsuit – what would a week of camp be without swimming? BORING! That’s right when you go to summer camp you need to go swimming.  Plus, you might need your swimsuit for the slip n’ slide or water games!
  2. Crocs – if you spend much time at camp, Twin Pines, or any camp you find out that Crocs are essential all-purpose camp gear, especially since they meet the camp rules of covering your toes and having a strap around the back!
  3. Flashlight – there will most definitely be a night hike at camp to a campfire and you will want a flashlight so you can see where you are going! You might also need a flashlight for a night game!
  4. Sunscreen – No one wants a sunburn! (Especially the camp nurse) Sunscreen can help keep you protected from the sun and make sure you don’t get burned. Your skin will thank you!
  5. Friends – Camp is fun, but it is even better with friends! Go find some friends and tell them about camp and then bring them with you.  You can enjoy camp life together and even make some more friends! Camp friends are lifelong friends!
  6. Attitude – That’s right you need to bring your attitude to camp! Your POSITIVE attitude.  A positive attitude can make trying new things that much more fun!
  7. Bible – there is so much to do at camp, and so many fun and adventurous things. Including studying God’s Word!  You will hear God’s Word during your week of camp and what better way to study it than with your own Bible!

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